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July 08, 2008


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Elizabeth Barrett

Hi Parker,
Thanks for letting us know you have a blog! I own the tapes for both your albums & would love to buy the CDs--any plans to offer them for sale?

Charlie Winslow

Great to see your right sided creativity bubling back to the surface. Looking forward to the CD's so we have some tunes for the next dartmouth night.

Looking forward to catching up over the holidays.

Charlie and Katie

Brandon Morgan

Parker - Thank you very much for sending me your web address. I hope you are doing well.

- B

Stephanie "stephy"

I believe that I still have the "Looking for you" and "Headed home" TAPES!! I need to upgrade so that I can jam to some Parker tunes in my soccer mom van. Hope that you all are doing well!


Many years ago (call it 1985-6ish), you visited Berea College, Berea KY, where a former schoolmate of yours Steve Bolster was and still is a choral director. I was one of his students in those days, and I came up on stage with you and played a keyboard lick as you put together a jam session. We had a great time!

I also bought a tape of "Home to the Heart" and played it till it wore out! Great stuff! I'd love to get a CD or even iTunes downloads.

Hope all is well with you!


Dear Parker,
Loved your blog about heroes. Nice stuff. You sing, and write GOOD!!!!
I am blessed to have you as a friend.

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